PERSONA5 Leblanc Curry Complete Recipe

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If you've played Persona 5 you know about Leblanc curry, the scientifically-enhanced spicy beef curry recipe that plays a few special roles in the story. In Japan, a pair of Leblanc curry packets were released for sale temporarily in 2018: a standard version that came with the actual secret recipe, and a made-by-Amamiya-Ren super spicy version that came with a huge can badge. While I completely missed out on the curry, I found a scan of the recipe card online and asked a friend to translate it way back when – he missed a key step though (grating the carrots), so my first attempt was a semi-miss. But since then, the recipe has been published here and there, but never totally complete. Either the spice list, spice measurements, all of the measurements, or the method are missing. So here's the complete recipe along with an official video clip made as a Strikers promo.

Leblanc Curry ad graphic

Funny enough, said promo video also omits the spice list, and in-game Strikers curry is made with pork instead of beef. Anyway, enjoy with rice and a fresh cup of coffee!

1 ・ Powder ingredients

4 Tbsp Wheat flour (36g)
2 tsp Cumin (4g)
2 tsp Coriander (4g)
2 tsp Turmeric (4g)
1 tsp Cardamom (2g)
1 tsp Cinnamon (2g)
1/2 tsp Chili powder (1g)
1/2 tsp Nutmeg (1g)
1/4 tsp Clove (0.5g)
1/4 tsp Black pepper (0.5g)

2 ・ Beef

1 tsp Salad oil (4g)
500g Beef for curry
1 Laurier (bay leaf)
1 cup Red wine (200g)
3 cups Water (600g)

3 ・ Wet ingredients

3 Tbsp Salad oil (40g)
2 Onions (400g)
1 Carrot (150g)
1/2 Apple (150g)
1 clove Garlic (10g)
1 knob Ginger (10g)

4 ・ Special ingredients

1 pc Chocolate (8g)
1 tsp Instant coffee (2g)
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce (17g)
110g Plain yogurt (110g)
1 Tbsp Honey (19g)
1 Consomme (stock cube) (5g)
2 tsp Salt (10g)
1 Tbsp Butter (14g)

Preliminary Prep
Finely chop the onions and garlic.
Grate the carrots, apple, and ginger.
Season the meat with salt and pepper.

Let's Cook
1. In a frying pan, heat the flour. When it turns golden brown, add the spices. Remove from heat once it becomes fragrant.

2. Heat the salad oil in a frying pan and brown the beef on both sides. Add the wine, water, and bay leaf and simmer until the beef is soft.

3. In a pot, fry the onions on low heat until they become amber in color. Add the carrot, apple, garlic and ginger and continue cooking.
Add the ingredients from Step 1 and mix thoroughly.
Slowly add the ingredients from Step 2.
Add the remaining ingredients and simmer.
For the finishing touch, add the butter.

#ゲーム飯 作ってみた! /

今回のレシピ動画は、「ルブラン特製カレー」 from 『ペルソナ5 スクランブル ザ ファントム ストライカーズ』
ぜひ、お米とコーヒーの用意を万全にしてからご覧ください。#PS4 #P5S

— プレイステーション公式 (@PlayStation_jp) March 31, 2020

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